Joe Lametta, torna tra noi

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Joe Lametta, come back to us

Warning: This post was created 2 years does

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The articles of Cassandra Crossing I'm under license CC BY-SA 4.0 | Cassandra Crossing is a column created by Marco Calamari with the "nom de plume" of Cassandra, born in 2005.

We continue with some vintage Cassandra items that always age very well.

This article was written on December 12, 2008 from Cassandra

Cassandra Crossing 142/ Joe Lametta, come back to us

Maybe we really need heroes, a Joe Lametta who re-emerges from the foggy bits of a recent and remote past at the same time.

Hi Joe, how are you? We hadn't heard from each other since we met in that place dark green which you insisted on calling “The Slums of Metropolis”. I'm glad someone remembers you. Those like us who exist only thanks to people's thoughts tend to disappear if these thoughts orient themselves in other directions.

I'm sorry to have seen you reduced to the level of a any navigator harassed by those who want to apply the marronata of the moment. But I told you even then that running away with a lot of money would only put you out of the reach of the bad guys for a short time.

The technology you had learned to master works well until it is countered by other technology enforced by purpose-built laws. I, who remained down here on the Internet, among the others, noticed it almost immediately. However, I thought that the chase could continue, because there are always hackers who write code and a few are enough to achieve great results.

However, it was essential to counter legal drift. I know, people have to respect the laws, I'm not like you who live on adrenaline and imagination. But they also have a weapon to do this because whoever writes the laws, for better or worse, can only do it because the common people have elected him, and therefore it is enough to vote for someone else, letting both of us know why. Ah, but you say that those who write the laws can do so because they are paid by economic potentates, by companies full of money? Well, hold on tight, because they too are vulnerable; they want money, and they can only get it from us. Just don't buy and they'll be pissed off. They will throw away their DRMs and their decrees whistling with indifference and will take on the role of champions of freedom and good trade. All it takes is wanting it. In fact, it would be enough to want it. But who wants it? The bad guys have added other weapons, television, brands and signatures, which have become today's values, relegating freedom, independent thought, justice and fairness to manifestations of unhealthy and deviant thought, to be crushed not with truncheons but with commercials. The master's touch was the invention of social communities, which transform people into self-promoting brands, and elect visibility and popularity as a life value, caging, diverting and dissipating those energies that could be spent in much more useful ways .

I shouted, but the people don't hear, they don't see the king who is naked, they don't see the dark and inhospitable place to which they are leading us, holding our hands, strong in their smile, a smile painted with greasepaint. He doesn't feel the weight of technocontrol social, first step towards illiberal and authoritarian regimes.

Joe, I don't know what to do anymore. Do you have any ideas?

Marco Calamari

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