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Applications to remind you to take your medications

This post was last updated by 3 months does

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We have already encountered applications to remember to take medications on our way RxDroid in the past. RxDroid it is in fact an excellent complete application and really well made but, unfortunately, with some small flaws and no longer updated.

RxDroid it still works very well on all smartphones even without updates but it's always a matter of having a plan B and in any case we always like to find alternatives! We went looking for applications created specifically to remind you to take your medications.

We didn't find anything as complete as RxDroid, however there are some simple and well-made applications that can help with just that. We, as always, only searched for applications Open source and above all free from tracers and various advertisements. Let's see what we found.

Applications to remind you to take your medications

  • Simpill 1: a relatively recent application with simple and very clear graphics. Large texts and few frills, also perfect for use by the elderly. Operation is equally simple, just press the 'button+' and enter the name of the medicine, the time it should be taken, the day you purchased it and how many tablets the box contained. This last part is particularly convenient because you will be notified, via a notification, that the tablets are running out and that they need to be purchased! You can then choose the color of the medicine box to recognize it. Every day at the chosen time you will be notified with a notification;
  • Did I Take My Meds? 2: the name of this application says it all! Did I Take My Meds is very simple and with nice graphics, it has very few options available but it is very useful for entering recurring medicines. Simply press the '+' button and indicate the name of the medicine, the time at which it should be taken and that's it. You will receive a notification to which you can say that you have received it and the following day you will be notified again at the same time. Simple and effective but perhaps there are too few settings;
  • Daily Pill — Medication Reminder 3: this is a very simple application that does only one thing. It will ask you, at the time you have set, whether you have taken your pills or not with a huge button that says: "Did you take your medicines today?". And nothing else. Therefore useful if you only have to take one pill a day and you don't want to forget it and you don't even want to keep up with too many settings but you just need a reminder.
  • MedTimer for Android, new application to remind you to take your medications. It has nice graphics and like the other applications it allows you to manage different medicines and different schedules at the same time. This application is also totally offline and does not require bizarre permissions. It is available on Play Store and also up IzzyOnDroid.
  1. source code of Simpill[]
  2. source code by Did I Take My Meds[]
  3. source code by Daily Pill[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives