Suntimes: alba, tramonto e molto altro!

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Suntimes: sunrise, sunset and much more!

This post was last updated by 8 months does

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Suntimes it's an application Open source 1 interesting fordaily use. In fact, it will help you keep track of the times of sunlight and moonlight in a simple and effective way. Suntimes it will immediately show you the times of sunrise and sunset, twilight, solstices and equinoxes.

By opening the app you will immediately have at a glance a series of interesting information to know what your day will be like based on your location. In fact, you can do it recognize automatically via GPS or, without giving permission, you can enter you manually the position concerned.


Going into the settings we also discover many interesting settings. For example by pressing on moon we can find out when the next one will be full moon or new Moon and in general all the phases of the moon. We can then find out precisely when the next equinoxes and solstices will be. There's also a great moving map to find out where daylight hours are around the world.

It's not all: Suntimes in fact it also has an alarm inside that you can synchronize with the sunrise or with any other event wake up together with the Sun or to remind you to look at the sky when there is a full moon.

There is also the separate calendar

This application is also connected with an add-on, always available for free on F-Droid. Always developed by the same author you can also find Suntime Calendars, a real calendar complete and separate from the main application to see the equinoxes, solstices and much more.

We believe that Suntimes is a very interesting application for curious people and for those who are interested in astronomy and therefore wants to observe the sky in certain conditions.

Our advice, if you are interested in this type of application, is to use it yourself Suntimes as it is free, Open source And totally devoid of tracers. As we always tell you, however, even if it is free, the developer asks for a donation if you particularly liked the application. If you can do it, find it here is the link.

Suntimes it is only available on F-Droid and if you don't know what it is F-Droid read here our dedicated article! In short: it's a store very safe alternative to the official Google one which contains only applications Open source!


  1. source code on GitHub[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives