Test sui browser

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Browser testing

This post was last updated by 2 years does

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There are several sites to do, or to see, tests on Browsers. We also made a very simple one that you can find here: Which Browsers use? We particularly like this type of test because manages to summarize several aspects well otherwise difficult to understand.

Nonetheless, these tests remain a double-edged sword, as we had already explained in the article The Browsers What use protects me from advertising? As we know reality is often complex and cannot be summarized with simple tables. However, these tests on Browsers and these tables help to have an overview useful to get a general idea. We always recommend that you delve deeper, when possible, into the sources that we often link to at the bottom of the page.

Tests on Browsers

We have decided to select some for you, a very interesting and constantly updated table and some tests to carry out.


It's a project Open source 1 updated consistently that takes different into consideration privacy and security features of many Browsers. At the time of writing the article i Browsers taken into consideration are:

In addition to this there is also a section dedicated to nighty builds or versions alpha and still under various tests Browsers.

The excellent performance of Brave and LibreWolf

It's an excellent summary table that shows us, among other things, how many extremely interesting features it has Brave and let's also see how on desktop LibreWolf (a Fork of Firefox) is an incredibly credible and fascinating alternative.

On Android Mull is one of the best alternative, along with Brave And Bromite. On iOS, in addition to Brave, the performance of is interesting DuckDuckGo And Firefox Focus.

Of course we never quote Tor not because it's bad Browsers but precisely because it is not easy to choose how Browsers daily.

Tests on Browsers

As for the tests, we have chosen some that we consider interesting, here they are.

Cover Your Tracks

An interesting page that uses different techniques to check the privacy status of yours Browsers. As always, take the results with a grain of salt and treat them for what they are: automated tests. We also covered this test in depth with a dedicated article: Test yours AdBlock. We find it particularly interesting also because it was developed by EFF.

Personal Data

A very simple and very practical page that allows you to know how many things a Browsers can know about you without your perfect. It's interesting to do this kind of testing through Browsers different to understand which one manages to best confuse the possible ones spies.


Very interesting site because, unlike all the others, it is not a test designed to protect you from Fingerprinting. Rather, it is a test designed to sell the technique Fingerprinting to companies by trying to demonstrate to them, with a demo on the front page, that it works well. Go to the site and write down the assigned ID. The challenge is to be able to change it to convince him that it is not always you who visits that site! And it's one of the reasons why for many people surf with JavaScript disabled is critical.

Device Info

This test is interesting because it doesn't give a judgment (often difficult to interpret and which can fuel the so-called FUD) but allows you to see what can be known about yours Browsers when you visit a site. For many it is a well-known thing, for others it may be one friendly discovery.


Like the previous one, this also seems like an excellent test. It allows you to control many features of your device Browsers and briefly explains the meaning of each one

Vytal Extension Scan

How many things can be known about Browsers used? Many.

Extension Fingerprints

Interesting project that aims to help you discover your problems Browsers regarding the installed extensions. Bring it and you might have some surprises!


It is an interesting online tool and Open source 2 which allows you to test the Browsers that you are using. It's very technical and not much user-friendly, at least in the answers he will give you. However, it can be an interesting tool for choosing your own Browsers.

This, however, is a real test to be carried out on Browsers in use and not a summary table. BrowserAudit in fact it is a test Open source 3

  1. PrivacyTests on GitHub[]
  2. source code by BrowserAudit[]
  3. source code by BrowserAudit[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives