App di messaggistica anonime

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Anonymous messaging apps

This post was last updated by 2 years does

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We decided to return briefly to messaging applications. We don't go back often not because it isn't important but for exactly the opposite reason: we have explained far and wide what we think are the strong points and weak points of the main applications. But which ones anonymous messaging apps exist? We would like to underline that in this article for applications anonymous we don't mean "not being able to be traced" but rather being able to register without leaving any sensitive data.

In fact, the main messaging applications ask for personal or identification data in order to register. Signal, Telegram And Whatsapp for example they ask for your mobile number. This does not automatically make them unsafe applications (we are not in fact talking about security), but they certainly cannot be defined anonymous as the mobile number is sensitive data 1 and in some countries it is almost impossible to have a telephone number without identification.

Anonymous messaging apps, which ones to use?

Now, that being said, we are always reluctant to do more articles on messaging apps because more articles generate more confusion. And continuing to propose "always a new application" in our opinion is counterproductive, especially when talking about applications of this kind. In fact, unlike other software that only affects us (think for example of Search engine or your own email box), Messaging apps bring with them all the problems of having to convince other people to follow us on this new platform.

The end result is an excess of information (infodemic) which only risks having the opposite effect: the people you ask to follow you on a new platform from time to time will give in to the evidence that WhatsApp is better because in the end they are all there and you don't want to change apps every two months.

In our opinion, this very long introduction is important to better understand today's article. In fact, the ones we will propose to you are not necessarily ones alternatives to Whatsapp, to Telegram oh Signal. They are something different and should be taken for what they are, that is anonymous messaging apps that they will not ask you for any personal data in order to chat with other people.

Here is our list

These applications do not require any data for registration. This is essentially thesingle parameter which will be evaluated in this article: we will not focus particularly on other features. And, as already mentioned, always keep in mind that not asking for identification data for registration does not make you happy invisible online.


Open source
End-to-end encryption
security audits

Undoubtedly one of the most famous and interesting alternatives in a scenario like the one just described. Session it won't ask you anything, you can register anonymously and you will be given a generic and random ID. You can only contact other people by entering their ID. Chats are also end-to-end encrypted.
Possibility to open groups of up to 100 users.


Open source
End-to-end encryption
uses the Tor network
security audits

We also talked at length about this application, for example within the alternatives to Google Messages. Also Briar it will not ask you for any identification and to chat with other people you will have to enter their ID. One of the features of Briar is that it can work even if the internet connection is interrupted for any reason.
Possibility to also open groups.


Open source
End-to-end encryption
security audits

One of the most interesting applications: server in Swiss, End-to-end encryption and no identifier for registration. Unfortunately it is difficult to convince other people to use it because it is probably the only paid messaging application.
You can use group chats with up to 256 people.


Open source
End-to-end encryption
peer to peer

Excellent application Open source released under the GNU license and since 2016 part of GNU project. It is cross-platform and does not require any type of phone number or email to be used, also it is peer to peer. It's one of those applications for which we would really like mass adoption even if unfortunately it is little used.

SimpleX Chat

Open source
End-to-end encryption
security audits

Another recent and very interesting application is called SimpleX. The only way to enter a contact is via QR code or link, then you can speak safely with the contact without having to give any information about yourself: neither a telephone number nor not even an email address.


Open source
End-to-end encryption

A fairly recent messaging application, it is very interesting because it does not require any registration and also allows you to exchange files anonymously. It is decentralized and has no central servers. Being recent and having never received audits (unlike for example Threema) independent safety experts rely on it appropriately and taking these last observations into account.

Anonymous Messenger

Open source
End-to-end encryption
uses the Tor network

As well as for Speek, the idea is really very interesting and the use of the Tor network also makes it a possible alternative to Briar. As with Speek, however, these new applications, which most likely have a small group of users, should be used with caution. They could be subject to bugs or problems that no one is aware of precisely because few people know about them and few have analyzed them.


Open source
End-to-end encryption

Tox is not just a messaging application but is a free, peer-to-peer protocol that also allows encrypted video calls. It is therefore possible to use different applications for use and it does not require any type of identification to chat: neither email nor a mobile number.

Bonus applications

The applications below may require identifiers of some kind, not a phone number but more likely an email address.


Open source
End-to-end encryption
security audits

As you now well know, Matrix is an open messaging protocol, so anyone can create their own Matrix server and allow people to sign up and consequently also talk to all the other people present on other Matrix servers. To be able to talk to other people, you need to register. Many servers (generally the largest, again as we were talking about at the beginning) require the email as an identifier (with the Excuse me to be able to reset your password). Others, however, usually smaller, do not require it. Here And here find a list of servers, it's up to you to try them!

We remind you that to be able to chat on Matrix you need a client of your choice these.


End-to-end encryption
security audits

Same thing as Matrix. Also in this case the email address is at the discretion of the manager: many do not require it but some may do so. Here you will find a list drawn up by us with some XMPP servers. XMPP it is one of the oldest and most reliable protocols for chatting, in its own way Matrix he wants to be a successor.

Delta Chat

Open source
End-to-end encryption (not active for everyone but available)

Many already know Delta Chat, it is a brilliant application that turns emails into a conversation for messaging apps. So it's not necessary to sign up to Delta Chat but it is necessary to have an email address with the possibility of accessing via IMAP therefore providers such as Tutanota or Proton Mail are not suitable.


Open source
End-to-end encryption (not active by default but available)
security audits

Telegram requires a phone number to register so it would not be entirely correct to include it in this list. However, we decided to put it as a bonus because, put simply, if you pay you can sign up anonymously. It has in fact been activated on the platform Fragment the possibility of purchasing anonymous telephone numbers that can be used on Telegram with the TON cryptocurrency.

The Fragment platform is used exclusively by Telegram to auction anonymous usernames and phone numbers using payment with the TON cryptocurrency. Officially it is not connected to Telegram even if everything suggests that Telegram is behind the project.

  1. Is the telephone number sensitive data?[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives