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If you are looking for a real one alternative to Google Translate can also be used on your smartphone, Android or iPhone, LibreTranslate it's probably what you were looking for!

If by chance you have already done a search on F-Droid you will have noticed that there are already many solutions similar to Google's for translating text via apps. However some of these applications, such as SimplyTranslate Mobile, are nothing more than an alternative front-end of Google Translate. That is, they use Google translations but they are done burden on them of tracking. Let's say it's a bit like using Google translator incognito.

It is certainly a very practical and interesting method, but not suitable for those who want to completely and truly detach themselves from Google.

LibreTranslate, the alternative Open source to Google Translate

They are really excellent and also work very well, but the application we want to talk to you about today is even more interesting. LibreTranslate it is in fact a real alternative Open source to Google translations developed by Argos Translate.

LibreTranslate it is a free project and Open source and thanks to this type of license, infinite applications can potentially be created that use its translations. For example, the server uses it to offer translations to its users 1.

So in addition to being able to translate freely via the web, and therefore on any device, there are also various applications available for smartphones.

LibreTranslate on Android

The available applications that we know and have tested therefore all use the same basis for translations:

  • LibreTranslator, a simple and lightweight application that allows you to use one of the main servers Of LibreTranslate. By pressing the icon at the top right you can also change the colors with which to use the app. It is available on both F-Droid that on Play Store.
  • monocles translator, the project monocles offers many personalized services including email, chat And web search. They all are Fork of other projects Open source and among these there is also monocles translator which he uses in fact LibreTranslate. The application is almost identical to LibreTranslator and can only be found on F-Droid.

On iPhone

As far as we know there is only one application, it's called LiTranslate 2 and is available for free to anyone. We weren't able to try it directly but if you use it let us know your comments on it!

Web version

As mentioned, it is possible that there are infinite servers LibreTranslate. The main one,, works for free online but if you want to use it to create an application you will have to pay.

We bring you the GitHub page of the project which lists all the servers that host a version of LibreTranslate. There are some on too Tor.

  1. Other extra costs not listed on the invoice are €19/month for the LibreTranslate translation service[]
  2. source code by LiTranslate[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives