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Wasting time online: part eleven

This post was last updated by 1 year does

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Incredibly, we have reached the eleventh part of our review called Wasting Time Online. Very short summary to explain what it is about: it is a review that we do every now and then to show projects Open source which probably would not find space in an article dedicated to them.

Other similar reviews are: Rogue nostalgia, where projects (not necessarily free) are collected that somehow take us back in time. Nice sites and that's it where we collect… well, beautiful sites and that's it.

Wasting time online: part eleven

  • Monkeytype, a nice project Open source 1 (to which we could even think of dedicating an entire article sooner or later) to learn to write faster or at least to test your writing speed! You will be given random text (in different languages) and you will have to write it in the shortest time possible and making few mistakes.
  • The Temple of Comfucius it's a project Open source 2 with quotes from mind you to post on social media to make a good impression. Every few hours Comfucius will invent a quote for you. An example?

It is easier to split an atom than to chase away the government with a club and stones.

- Christopher Columbus
  • RDoK, or “Random Dose of Knowledge”. To put it in Italian: your daily dose of knowledge! Every day you will find something to know and learn divided into four sections: Today I Learned, You Should Know, Science And Fun Facts. The various curiosities are taken from the respective subreddits.
  • Wikipedia, put the series of events that will be shown to you in the correct chronological order. Very fun and absolutely not easy! It's a project Open source 3.
  • daedalOS, an operating system complete with notepad, games, folders and the ability to open PDFs on your computer Browsers? A project Open source 4 very interesting!
  1. source code by Monkeytype[]
  2. source code of Comfucius[]
  3. source code from Wikitrivia[]
  4. source code by daedalOS[]
  5. source code by Tinder for Bananas[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives