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Track expenses

This post was last updated by 1 year does

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Here we are with an article on keep track of expenses done! In fact, there are many methods for doing this and everyone is comfortable with a different one. For example, the author of this article is very comfortable with a simple but effective spreadsheet (strictly made with LibreOffice Calc!). Others, however, prefer to use dedicated applications to keep track of their expenses. So let's see some alternatives to the most famous and renowned applications.

Track expenses

In this article we will only talk about normal management expenses, it will not be an article dedicated to alternatives for the so-called wallet of cryptocurrencies.


Open source
for smartphones only

Graphically it is perhaps one of the prettiest and most beautiful applications in terms of services it is perhaps the most complete of all. Meanwhile, it allows you to create backups and import and export your files easily. You can create categories with custom icons and you can also see all your expenses in a 3D pie chart.
Of all the ones we tried, it seemed the most interesting to us. And obviously Open source 1 and is available on both Play Store what up F-Droid.

My Expenses

Open source
for smartphones only

In Italian it is also called My Expenses and is an excellent application for keeping track of your expenses. It is free but some extra options are paid: 4.30€, 6.70€ or €8 per year. The paid options are almost endless, one of the most interesting is the possibility of synchronization in the cloud (with WebDAV or Dropbox). As an alternative to this there is manual backup, also available in the free version.
AND Open source 2 and available on Play Store come on F-Droid.

Money Manager EX

Open source
available for smartphones
available for computers

Among all those present in this article perhaps Money Manager EX it is the most professional one for tracking expenses. It is multi-platform but unfortunately the Android versions no longer seem to be updated: the one on the site has the year 2016 in the file name and the one on F-Droid it is stuck in 2019. But if you need it on Windows, macOS or Linux then it might be right for you. AND Open source 3 and free.

Pro Expense

Open source
for smartphones only

An application Open source 4 very promising, graphically appealing and with many options available. Unfortunately, however, its development seems to have stopped for over a year. So try it but also take this thing into account, don't expect innovations or frequent updates. Available on Play Store come on F-Droid.

Open Money Tracker

Open source
for smartphones only

Another application Open source 5 interesting with graphs and other customizations. You won't have anything in the cloud but you can independently import or export expenses when necessary. It is available on both Play Store what up F-Droid.


Open source
available for smartphones
available for computers

In Italian it is also known as Purse. Graphically it is the simplest application ever with sparse and even a little old-fashioned graphics. However, it does its job well (even if it is a bit cumbersome) with many settings including the possibility of adding a shopping list. AND Open source 6 and available on F-Droid and also up Windows And Linux but we don't think synchronization is possible.

Other alternatives

There are also other possible alternatives, much simpler but which could be right for you. For example:

  • Paisa, an interesting alternative Open source available exclusively on IzzyOnDroid or up GitHub. Aesthetically it is very pleasant and modern and allows, among other things, to make a backup. It is created by the same developer as Retro Music Player. Thanks for letting us know 7.
  • Ivy Wallet, complete, very beautiful graphically and free. AND Open source 8 but it is available exclusively on Play Store and contains a couple of tracers by Google 9. Thanks for letting us know 10.
  • WalletCount 11 on F-Droid: very simple and with very few options.
  • WeeklyBudget 12 for weekly budgets, always on F-Droid.
  1. source code of MoneyWallet[]
  2. source code by My Expenses[]
  3. source code by Money Manager EX[]
  4. source code of Pro Expense[]
  5. source code of Open Money Trackers[]
  6. source code of OpenMoneyBox[]
  7. Tip Paisa on Telegram[]
  8. source code Ivy Wallet[]
  9. tracers by Ivy Wallet[]
  10. Tip Ivy Wallet on Telegram[]
  11. source code by WalletCount[]
  12. source code by WeeklyBudget[]
  13. https://github.com/SecUSo/privacy-friendly-finance-manager[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives