Vivere senza Wikileaks

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Living without Wikileaks

Warning: This post was created 1 year does

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The articles of Cassandra Crossing I'm under license CC BY-SA 4.0 | Cassandra Crossing is a column created by Marco Calamari with the "nom de plume" of Cassandra, born in 2005.

One of Cassandra's songs that hurts the most and that throws in our faces a reality that we all try to hide and forget, even from ourselves.

This article was written on February 21, 2023 from Cassandra

Cassandra Crossing 533/ Living without Wikileaks

Have you followed the story, or rather the martyrdom, of Julian Assange over these long years? If the answer is yes, and if it is no you should just be ashamed, you may have missed an important aspect.

Wikileaks no longer exists.

Of course, if you connect, perhaps using Tor, you will find a site, but a simple browsing will reveal that the latest news dates back to 2021, that the last significant leak dates back to 2018 and that very few documents are in fact still accessible.

The search function returns a sad “error 502 — bad gateway”, which translated into Italian means that the search service is no longer active. Many other icons refer to pages that are no longer accessible, those that remain active often refer to leaks of a single file, which still needs to be verified. The Gizmodo site further details the Wikileaks' deteriorating situation.

Wikileaks is abandoned and adrift, without both its captain and dethe sailors, like the schooner where Count Dracula was travelling, which is found after a shipwreck, without a crew and with the captain tied to the rudder, dead. The logbook reports that during the voyage, one by one, all the crew members mysteriously vanished.

All of us, the true beneficiaries of Wikileaks, have been witnessing the fate of the schooner and its captain, Julian Assange, for many years now.

Many, the majority, without doing anything, without being interested or even without even realizing it.

Few, working in the media and during events, but without positive effects, without managing to impact a situation that now seems set in stone.

And it is you who allow it.

Marco Calamari

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