Expiry Date Reminder

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Expiry Date Reminder

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As you well know, we don't just deal with important topics or boring but we often also try to talk about everyday applications. Expiry Date Reminder it's just one of these occasions! This is because we believe that a problem does not only exist at the level of large applications, such as Google Photos or Microsoft Office. There is also a problem at the small level applications used daily.

In the past we talked, for example, about classic applications for view QR codes or even, more simply, for monitor atmospheric phenomena such as sunrise and sunset. All the alternatives we suggest are generally free of tracers and require only a few permissions to work. Unlike most applications that you can find for free, or less, on the Play Store.

Expiry Date Reminder, a open code and without advertising

To give you a small example. The application we are talking about today, Expiry Date Reminder, allows you to keep track of the expiration dates of the various products purchased. It requires literally zero permissions and contains none tracer inside 1. Furthermore, which is no small thing, it is also Open source.

Other applications that do more or less the same thing such as Fresh things or BEEP contain, respectively 3 tracers and 9 permits 2 one and 5 tracers with 26 permits 3 the other one.

Keep an eye on expiration dates

But let's get to the characteristics of Expiry Date Reminder. It is a very simple application that allows you to receive a notification when a purchased food is close to expiring.

To add a food, simply press the + button, enter the name of the food and the expiry date. You can also enter a category, this way you can also monitor medicines by organizing them as medicines. In the settings it is also possible to add an image to more easily recognize what you are talking about.

When the expiration day comes you will be notified with a notification.

The settings are therefore few but its use is simple and can help us in everyday life. If you know other applications Open source we look forward to hearing your advice!

Download Expiry Date Reminder

  1. Exodus Report[]
  2. Report on Fresh things[]
  3. Report on BEEP[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives