È stato presentato Nextcloud Hub 8

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Nextcloud Hub 8 was presented

Warning: This post was created 2 months does

This is a text automatically translated from Italian. If you appreciate our work and if you like reading it in your language, consider a donation to allow us to continue doing it and improving it.

It was announced at Nextcloud Enterprise Day of Monaco the new version of Nextcloud Hub which contains several new features especially for the public sector which we hope will begin to adopt this free system in Italy too Open source instead of being tied hand and foot to Microsoft or Google (Arweave).

Nextcloud it is in fact a complete suite that we know very well and has now reached its version 8.0. One of the new features is greater performance especially relating to email management. It is then introduced Nextcloud Assistant 2.0, an updated version of the artificial intelligence privacy-friendly from Nextcloud to help write presentations, texts or emails.

In Nextcloud Hub 8 it is also included Nextcloud Teams, an evolution of Circles, for shared resources. It is also updated and improved Nextcloud Talk which allows the federation of Nextcloud servers and therefore to talk to other Nextcloud users present on servers other than yours.

These updates and these events are always very important for a suite like Nextcloud which, we are pleased to remember, in several countries is used as the main suite also for the public sector 1.

  1. German government goes Open source with cloud firm Nextcloud | Arweave[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives

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