Internxt, il cloud con crittografia zero-knowledge e supporto al protocollo WebDAV

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Internxt, the cloud with zero-knowledge encryption and support for the WebDAV protocol

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We continue our roundup of reviews of the applications that are quickly suggested as alternatives on the homepage (by the way, do you like the new graphics?). Next week will also be the turn of LibreWolf while today is the turn of Internxt, one of the suggested alternatives for cloud files. The main features of Internxt are the Zero-knowledge encryption and the possibility of exploiting the WebDAV protocol.

The history of Internxt

Let's start a little from the history of Internxt. Initially it seems to have also been born as a called token INXT 1 this token, however seems to have disappeared from their radar now and last appeared on their blog in 2022 2. The token looks like still exist but we don't know if and how it is still associated with Internxt.

Their Android app only contains one tracer of telemetry, not dangerous as it is Sentry and it also seems to be one of them Instance personal 3.

Internxt, image taken from their “media kit”

No longer decentralized

Another slightly… bizarre part of their story is the fact that they changed, out of the blue and without ever notifying anyone, the type of storage. They have moved from a decentralized method (often sponsored until recently (How Internxt Protects Your Data) to centralized management (How Internxt Protects Your Data).

As you can see, the linked article is the same but after 3 years all references to blockchain, decentralization, Web3 etc. have disappeared. The assistance simply replied that: “We are not decentralized anymore“.

We don't know the reasons nor do they seem to have ever been given. We still take note of it but it seemed necessary to make this short prologue.

The Internxt cloud: Zero-knowledge encryption, audits and applications Open source

However, the current situation is this: they had an independent audit carried out by Securitum 4 in which some bugs were found (even important ones like the SECURITUM-225922-017: Unauthorized access to the decrypted files) but which we hope have been promptly resolved given that the audits should serve precisely this purpose. However, as far as we know, no audit has ever been published that shows that they have resolved the problems of the previous one.

Their applications they are all Open source as is also the their server. The encryption used is zero-knowledge and therefore means that not even they have access to the files and not even if someone could physically put their hands on the servers they could have access to them.

For these reasons it is one of the recommended providers alternative to Google Drive.

Internxt, image taken from their “media kit”


The price is generally excellent compared to competitors (45€ the year for 200GB, 110€ For 2TB, 199€ For 5TB And 25€ For 10TB) and very often offer discounts and offers so with a little patience you can get it at low prices.

10GB is free upon registration, which is definitely convenient for testing the cloud with peace of mind before making a purchase.

The applications

The applications aren't particularly exciting but they do the job. As we said, they are Open source but the one for Android can only be downloaded from the Play Store, the APK does not appear to be available on GitHub or on their site.

Updates are quite frequent but, we are mainly talking about the Android version, there are still some bugs and it is not always very fast. However, we have been following it for many years and it seems to us that, albeit slowly, it is improving compared to the beginning.

In short, it is not to be totally discarded but we always suggest trying it thoroughly before purchasing extra space to be sure that it is really right for you.

Internxt, image taken from their “media kit”

WebDAV support

One of the most interesting things that has happened recently regarding Internxt in our opinion is the support for WebDAV. Beyond Mega We are not aware of any other zero-knowledge clouds that support this protocol.

WebDAV is in fact a standard that allows it to be used on many occasions: for example, you can use it to access files via Cyberduck or in any file manager that supports this protocol.

It is really very interesting to be able to exploit a cloud of this kind with WebDAV and opens the doors to many usage options such as automatic backups and much more. We tested their application for managing WebDAV on Windows and if you want to try it too, the steps are very simple:

Download the latest release from their GitHub first: Look at the requirements and on Windows you can follow these procedures:

  • downloaded NVM for Windows
  • open a command console (cmd) and write:
    nvm hon
    nvm install latest
    npm i -g @internxt/cli
    internxt login
    internxt webdav enable
  • if everything is correct it should tell you:
    ✓ Internxt WebDav server started successfully on

Now your cloud can be reached via WebDAV!

Internxt, image taken from their “media kit”

So where are the files if it's no longer decentralized?

According to their latest articles 5 they have servers all over the world via the OVHCloud network although most of the servers are located in Europe. Even in this case it is not entirely clear how it works: is our data in Europe or not?

Support told us that yes, they are in Europe but then in the blog we read that they have servers all over the world so even in this case there is a bit of confusion in marketing.

There is more beyond the cloud

In recent years, Internxt is not only dedicating itself to the cloud but also to various services using its own infrastructure. They were born in the meantime Internxt Send to send files instead of WeTransfer, Free Temporary Email For create temporary emails, Password Checker to check if your password It's quite sturdy and Password Generator to generate one, Virus Scanner to scan files to virus scanning and finally File Converter to convert many types of files such as Word to PDF, PDF to HTML, PNG to WebP and many others.

Conclusions on Internxt

Internxt In our opinion it is not to be advised against but it seems right to point out problems and inconsistencies when we find them.

So this company is really particular and difficult to pigeonhole somewhere, it has very positive sides like the clients Open source and the audit carried out but it also has several flaws such as buggy applications and some unclear methods such as changing the cloud type from decentralized to centralized without posting on their blog.

If you are curious, we therefore recommend that you try it in its free version, form your own idea and then possibly purchase a paid plan.

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  1. Archive | Arweave[]
  2. Archive | Arweave[]
  3. url: '',[]
  4. Security | Archive | Arweave[]
  5. How Internxt Protects Your Data[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives