Come usare la ricerca di Google senza AI né altro

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How to use Google search without AI or anything

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Who reads Le Alternative most likely no longer uses Google search or does it very rarely. However, we recently discovered a project Open source very interesting that will allow you to do some real simple research on Google without the new AI or a bunch of other features often just useless and cumbersome.

In essence it was discovery than by placing the parameter at the end of your search &udm=14 you end up on a very simple Google page 1. It almost feels like revisiting the first versions of the Search engine!

There is no hint of artificial intelligence, no intelligent responses, no featured images, YouTube videos, or anything else.

How to use Google search without AI or anything

Obviously we are not telling you to use Google nor that you will be tracked less this way. But we know that many, for various reasons, still prefer to use it and perhaps find this tool useful.

The other reason why we suggest this site and this tool is that the site is Open source 2 and so it seemed like a good idea to share it with you. In fact, anyone could simply take the code and put it on their own domain to use it independently or to offer it to others.

As already mentioned, it is not a method to be tracked less and obviously you can try to use it as an alternative StartPage or many other search engines that also use the results of other engines such as LibreY, SearxNG or 4get.

For example, there is also Whoogle or even projects that try to reproduce the Google of the early 2000s like old google.

How to try it

To be able to try using Google without AI or anything else you can simply add the parameter &udm=14 to your query. Obviously it's not such an easy thing to remember or do for every search and that's exactly why this one was created Search engine which does the search for you but adds this parameter automatically. Obviously without collecting data or anything else you are simply taken to the Google site to do the search. Who will collect your data, as usual, it's Google!

Obviously the advice always remains to try degoogle yourself and of try one of the many alternatives!

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  1. Does One Line Fix Google?[]
  2. &udm=14 Website[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives