Alternative open source a Splitwise

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Open source alternatives to Splitwise

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They have been reported on ours Telegram group a couple of interesting tools for sharing expenses between different people and it therefore seemed interesting to create an article of alternatives! Splitwise seems to us to be the most used platform for this purpose so here we are with some alternatives to Splitwise.

These applications allow you to keep simple organization of money during holidays or group purchases.

Alternatives Open source at Splitwise

There are all the alternatives that we will propose in this article Open source.


Open source
just go Browsers

Very nice application, even graphically, which allows you to do everything without any registration or cost. Just go to the official website and press on Create a group. Now you can enter the name of the group and the symbol of the coin you used for example .

Subsequently it will be possible to enter the name of the various participants, we tried to add several without problems, and set one as the default payer when entering new debts.

Now you have two ways to enter new expenses: manually or by automatically scanning a receipt which will try to understand and automatically enter the amount spent. If you do it manually you will have to enter a title for the expense, the day, the category and obviously the amount paid. You will then have to say who paid and add who paid for. Once you press on Create the figure will be inserted into the group. From here it is now possible to move between the various tabs to see who owes money to whom and how much they owe.

Once finished you can share the URL with anyone, but be careful because the shared URL allows you to both see and modify the various expenses so it should be shared with caution.


Open source
just go Browsers

An alternative very similar to the previous one, SplittyPie It allows you to share the costs of a trip or anything else in a very simple and effective way. Start by going to the official website and pressing on Create New Event. From here you can now give a name to the event, a coin and the name of the participants.

Now that you have created the event you can easily add a new transaction by pressing the button + bottom right. Here you will have to give a name to the expense and decide who paid how much and for whom. Going in Overview you can get a quick look at all your transactions and debts. You can also change the view by asking to see the page as if you were “xxx” or “yyy”.

Also in this case there will only be one URL that can be shared which will also allow editing.

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives

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