Chi siamo

Who we are

Welcome to The Alternatives! Within this site you can find ethical alternatives to all Google products as Gmail And Chrome, and many other realities mainstream For example Whatsapp. We started our adventure in October 2019 (if you want us to greetings the exact day is October 17, 2019). The products that you don't see on the site are generally only because they have yet to be written and tested. In fact, everything we write about has always been tried before.

The site will be constantly updated with alternatives, news And application reviews FOSS.

What differentiates us from others?

We believe, like many other sites focused on privacy, in the importance ofOpen source and of transparency. However, we want to talk about simple products that are easy to use and we want to do it without using complicated technical words. We want to help make people understandimportance of privacy using words And simple methods, especially giving practical solutions And user-friendly. On this site we have neither tracers nor advertising, it is a project done only out of passion.

We do not use statistics to track you. The only statistics present are those of our provider's server, Infomaniak. However, statistics of this kind do not have much value as they take into account bots and much more, we do not give them much consideration and they are in no way attributable to anyone. For some time now we have also enabled those of Koko Analytics which keep everything local and in any case do not collect or use data Cookies.

This it is not a technical site and you will not find any technical information here. We will try to simplify any discussion to the extreme. We want the right to privacy to go viral. For this reason we have also created a channel on all the most famous social networks: social networks.

We have decided not to have comments on the site, again because we don't want to know anything about you. If you want comment on our news you can find us on Telegram, on Matrix and also up Reddit.

No referral links or advertising

In the section transparency you can see the site management costs. Therefore, it currently requires little effort on an economic level we do not accept donations. We may accept them later only if something changes in the financial level of those who manage it or if the site requires many more resources than expected.

After a first experience with the Brave affiliate program We have decided to do not have any type of referral link. This is because we think it could somehow harm the autonomy of the project. We have also recently activated the page donations precisely to be able to maintain this autonomy.

The only one currency that we accept, more as an experiment than anything else, are the BAT microdonations by Brave because we currently believe in that project. As we explain in the section transparency however, more BAT than the site management cost will never be accepted.

Last note on this: Not being paid by anyone We reserve the right to change our minds and above all the right to make mistakes. Suggestions and advice are always made conscientiously.
If something changes within the recommended companies we may also decide to advise against previously recommended products.

Since it is not easy to make decisions of this type, we always rely on your thoughts and in this regard the our group of Telegram It often offers very interesting ideas.

An important thing

Let's make one thing clear right away: on this site we will try to Don't make conspiracy theories or conspiracy theories, nor to go in search of purest service of all. We are only looking for valid alternatives that respect as much as possible privacy, which they possibly are Open source and that they have as much background as possible ethical.

On this site you will find the right ones compromises, not perfect alternatives. We want to talk about simple products for common use by everyone, not just technology enthusiasts. For example we know well that the Self-hosting is perhaps the best solution regarding privacy and security, but we believe that privacy is everyone's right, not just technology enthusiasts.
Everyone must be free to choose how, how much and to whom give your data.

Why protect privacy?

Several sites and people before us have explained very well the reasons why this is It's good to worry about your identity and privacy digital. In the our ethical projects page you can find some suggestions on what to read and where to find out about the topic.

This site was also created because of the sites mentioned here they are very valid but considered by us exaggeratedly pure creating confusion in those who only want valid compromises.


If you want to contact us you can send an email to the following addresses

For any questions about the LeAlternative project

Do you want to contact us privately? Write to
Click here and download our PGP public key


If you want to collaborate with LeAlternative

If you have suggestions or proposals for the project