Come seguirci

How to follow us

By choice we have decided to be present almost everywhere. It is therefore possible to follow us in different ways even if, as we will see, we will be present in a different way on each of these places.

There is one on every social network privacy policy different with which we have nothing to do with it And we are not Therefore responsible of what happens to your data if you decide to register on these platforms.


How much do we like the fediverse? If you don't know what we're talking about, we advise you this video. In essence it is a universe of social networks (and not only) where you can talk and follow each other even between one social network and another. We are present (and active) in various social networks of the fediverse:

We also reveal something beautiful to you. If you already have Mastodon, for example, you don't necessarily have to register on all the other social networks. Just search or or again to follow our posts on those social networks and also be able to interact/reply!

Social alternativi e comunità di Le Alternative


You can find us on Telegram with two channels:

You will also find two groups:


Matrix it's a protocol Open source and decentralized, we talked about it here. Find our group at this address: and it is also synchronized with Discord, XMPP And Telegram.


If you are a foodie and use XMPP you can talk to us about the wonderful interoperability of Matrix. Our room Matrix/Telegram it is also accessible to those who use the protocol XMPP. All you need to do is access the room: or as an alternative
Thanks to darhma for the suggestion..


There is also a group on Signal, unlike the previous ones, it therefore has E2E encryption (therefore there is not even a public history) and the automatic deletion of messages every week. A group therefore designed to support, and not to replace, existing ones dedicated to those seeking greater protection and perhaps already using Signal for other reasons.

Social network tradizionali

Within these social networks we are present more at the level of marketing that of true presence. We use them mainly to reach as many people as possible, certainly not because we like them. Therefore they are not recommended and if you contact us on these social networks we may not respond immediately.

However you can find us on: Twitter, Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Google News And YouTube. You can also find us using Discord thanks to the Matrix bridge, in fact, we have a single chat where you can write via Matrix, Telegram, XMPP and precisely Discord.


The dear old ones RSS they are always a certainty and you can follow all the updates on our site using our feed RSS:

Piattaforma per segnalazioni

To report typos, errors or even to suggest new alternatives you can use the Codeberg platform. Codeberg is an alternative to GitHub and we chose it as keeper of our codes. There is in fact the source code of the our Telegram bot 1 and there is the source code of our project The Alternatives | A la carte 2.

To report inaccuracies or new alternatives you can open a ticket at this address:

  1. source code bot on Codeberg[]
  2. source code A la carte[]