Difficoltà ◉○○○

Difficulty ◉○○○

These items were classified as difficulty ◉○○○ i.e simple and suitable for anyone. No special technical knowledge is required to understand and use the tools within this category. The articles therefore do not contain technicalities and the programs can be installed and run without requiring any other steps.

The list is not complete because some items still need to be catalogued, however it is constantly updated.

Red Moon

The blue light emitted by electronic devices can seriously disturb your sleep and damage your eyes. This app Open source comes to our rescue by inserting a light red patina that relaxes our eyes!

Smart AutoClicker

Thanks to Smart AutoClicker you can configure simple automatic actions based on certain events on your smartphone.


Neocities aims to revive what was GeoCities, in version Open source and without any advertising inside!


PDF4Teachers is an application Open source and free designed to make annotations and give marks on PDFs with extreme simplicity!

Which app to use for Telegram?

It is not necessary to use the official application for Telegram. Which app to use for Telegram? Here are the most interesting alternatives.

PixelKnot, hide secret messages in photos

PixelKnot is an application Open source which allows you to hide a secret message within any photograph.

How to configure Firefox for more privacy

We try to propose a summary and definitive article for Firefox (and beyond). What extensions to use on Firefox?

Scrambled Exif, erase metadata from photos on Android

With Scrambled Exif you can destroy the metadata of your photos before posting them online! Protect your security and privacy

OneShot, one photograph a day

OneShot is an application Open source which allows you to keep a daily photo diary with comments and emojis.

TIDY, searches for photographs from the text

TIDY is an application Open source for Android which will allow you to find images through a simple text search!

PicView, viewer Open source of images for Windows

If you are looking for a viewer Open source of images for Windows then PicView is the one for you!

How to hide your email address

To subscribe to sites and newsletters we recommend a series of useful tools for hiding your email address!

ObscuraCam, automatically pixelates faces in photographs

Thanks to the Guardian Project's ObscuraCam application you can automatically pixelate faces in photographs.

Open Video Editor, edit videos on Android

Open Video Editor is a simple application for doing small video editing on Android and it's free and Open source!

What is the Matrix?

Let us try to briefly explain what the Matrix is. Obviously we are not talking about the film but about an open protocol for chatting with anyone!

Seal, download videos from YouTube (and more) on Android

Seal is a very simple to use Android application that will allow you to download audio and video from YouTube and beyond!

SPN, an alternative to VPNs

SPN is a real alternative to the commercial VPNs we are used to. Multiple IPs for each connection: here's our review!

Alternatives for watching social networks

Not everyone is aware of it but there are many alternative applications for viewing the most famous social networks. Here's a list!

Alibi, records audio and video in the background

Alibi allows you to temporarily transform your smartphone into a real dash cam and more!

Transfer files between two devices

How to transfer files between two devices? Here are some solutions Open source and free to transfer files easily and safely!

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