Difficoltà ◉○○○

Difficulty ◉○○○

These items were classified as difficulty ◉○○○ i.e simple and suitable for anyone. No special technical knowledge is required to understand and use the tools within this category. The articles therefore do not contain technicalities and the programs can be installed and run without requiring any other steps.

The list is not complete because some items still need to be catalogued, however it is constantly updated.

moreDays, a daily diary Open source

moreDays is a good free application for Android that will allow you to set goals to achieve daily!

How to scan to PDF with Android

Here's how to scan to PDF on Android without tracers and without any type of advertising. Alternatives Open source and free!


LossslessCut is the Swiss army knife for editing audio and video that you have always dreamed of! Easy to use and suitable for anyone!

Which VPN to choose?

An article on VPNs: if you think you might need a VPN and are wondering which VPN to choose, here are our suggestions!

URL to PDF Converter, convert pages to PDF

URL to PDF Converter is a simple to use and aesthetically pleasing application for converting a web page to PDF.

Daily diaries

We have analyzed and selected a few applications for creating and managing daily diaries.

Alternatives to Patreon

There are many sites that allow you to receive donations. The most famous of all is probably Patreon, what alternatives are there?

SankeyMATIC, for finance management

SankeyMATIC is a program that allows you to create a Sankey diagram to understand, bluntly, how your money ends up.

Alternatives to Photoshop

A long article on alternatives to Photoshop. among the many found we have tried and selected some for you!

Alternatives to Adobe Premiere

Here is our list of alternatives Open source and free for Adobe Premiere. In addition to the legendary Kdenlive also OpenShot and many others!

Which SPID to choose?

Which SPID to choose? Which providers allow you to use alternatives to their application and which is the least invasive application?

Photok, private safe for photos and videos

Photok è una cassaforte Open source e gratuite per nascondere fotografie e video da occhi indiscreti: facile da usare e sicura!

Sky Map, alternativa Open source a Google Sky

Sky Map è un’ottima alternativa libera e Open source a Google Sky, guardare il cielo non sarà più come prima!

Suntimes: sunrise, sunset and much more!

Suntimes is an interesting application to simply discover astronomical phenomena such as sunrise, sunset and much more!

Links can only be used once

For greater confidentiality we thought of finding alternatives for links that self-destruct and therefore can only be used once.

Simple Clipboard Editor, edit copied text on Android

Simple Clipboard Editor allows you to see, edit or show as a notification the contents of the clipboard in a very simple way!

FFUpdater, scarica e aggiorna Browsers sicuri senza il Play Store

Grazie a FFUpdater è possibile mantenere aggiornati costantemente i Browsers che usiamo su Android, anche quelli non presenti negli store!

Home workouts withOpen source

Una serie di applicazioni per fare allenamenti in casa con l’Open source! Inoltre consigliamo siti per aiutarvi con l’allenamento!

addy.io (AnonAddy) to hide your email address

addy.io (AnonAddy) is an anonymous email forwarding service. Very interesting and useful on several occasions to not give out your email.


Stealth è un’applicazione libera e Open source che vi permetterà di seguire i vostri subreddit preferiti senza avere alcun account!

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