

The bar below is set with the amount paid the previous year to maintain what we do:,, The percentage indicates the donations received to date and we will try to update it monthly with the donations received and then reset it at the beginning of the year.

Thanks for helping us keep this project alive!


Donate with credit card

You can make a donation using the Stripe platform and your credit card using this link. This way yours will be a one-time donation and you will not have to register on any platform.

Donate with LiberaPay

LiberaPay it's the alternative Open source and free on Patreon. It's our favorite, you can make monthly donations (even small ones) or make just one. To make just one, simply cancel subsequent donations. Forgive Registration is required.

Donate with Ko-Fi

Kofi it is the best method to make a one-off donation. No registration is requested and you can donate with a few simple clicks. If you want to offer us a virtual coffee it's probably the best method. It is also possible to carry out, alternatively, one monthly donation but in this case you obviously need an account.

Donate with cryptocurrency

We are not excessive lovers of cryptocurrencies, as you will have understood by following our articles. However, they exist and some people may want to help us in this way. For this reason we will accept them and try to use them to repay servers and other services that accept them. If you need it here find the QR code for donations of the various cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoins: bc1qhrx3vyp7lqvmchx0rckqquq3ahsqq5dnflmd2a

Ethereum: 0x90c3a8b56ba4bB7c670697f79df8c35FDdb0371C

BAT: 0x7000E20858E77b041489E22c4Cf4cB716d934A63 (if used Brave you can also use automatic donations)

monero Monero: 41wtTrhEJH1PwSHn3LXvm7eUb6S58P3yQJuFPbKmJa9Cg9EsdAPWtynjcJturt6WLeY2EeCgChDi21R62cXsAQj41Sj2hdM

The costs of Le Alternative are not prohibitive but remember that it is a personal project: there are no investors and above all for an ethical choice we have decided not to have any advertising nor will you find any affiliate links.

Thanks also to the experience gained with the Privacy Pride, we understood that to propose something new and to support events, it is necessary to money.

A concrete example of what has been possible thanks to your generosity is Feddit: we were able to bear the purchase and management of a server on which to run the site exclusively thanks to your donations!

In 2022 we have for example donated to Devol 121 BAT Of tip Brave, as we promised in the past for their great work.


But in the end, how much does it cost to maintain the whole thing?

We try to maintain a certain transparency even if it is not exactly simple for those who are not used to keeping this type of reporting. Furthermore, the donations we receive are public (Kofi And LiberaPay) and in cryptocurrency we have practically never received anything if we exclude the BAT. So we will simply enter the expenses incurred to make you aware of how much it costs to maintain everything.