Progetti etici

Ethical projects

In this section we want to talk to you about the so-called ethical projects. What do we mean by ethical project when the topic is privacy, server, informatics and so on?
They are projects often started by good hackers and which are supported at their own expense thanks to the collective work or with small donations. On this page we will therefore draw up a small list of the projects that we know and that we have already used a few times.

Before we venture out in the world of ethical servers, however, there we recommend taking a look at these sites. They are projects that do not offer servers and/or services but they delve very deeply into all the problems and why it is It's good to worry about your identity and privacy digital. We want to give you valid compromises and solid alternatives to the products, they will be able to explain to you better than us why it is good defend online privacy.

Privacy Guides

Privacy Guides is a site in English where you can find valid alternatives for all the most used services:
The requirements to be able to enter on their site they are always very high and all the applications you find suggested by them are excellent.

Digital Ethics

Friends of Digital Ethics they have created a route to follow when you have some free time. Here you can get an idea of the Why It is important to protect your privacy.


The Devol collective offers many services for free (but they gladly accept donations) including the largest server of Mastodon in Italy, a Bitwarden server, Of Librex, Funkwhale And many others.


But why use a instead ethical server? The reason is actually very simple. The only total certainty for don't be spied on And profiles when we use any service is that of self-hosting the service itself. What does it mean? It means that we should have a small server at home (often even a simple one is enough Raspberry) and independently install all the services necessary for the mail, The shared notebook, The calendar, The file-Hosting and so on.

Although this is the safest method, it is definitely the most complicated and least manageable by everyone, in fact, if you don't know what we are talking about it is probably much better Don't even try it! This is why these exist ethical servers created and managed by people who, in theory, can be trusted. Because we are always there anyway, apart from very rare cases, you have to trust of someone if you want to leave your things in cloud somewhere and always accessible.

Let's get to the list

List in strict alphabetical order:

These are certainly the most famous and most used but you can browse here and try all the ethical servers in the world for yourself:

Do you also participate in an ethical project or do you know others that you think we should include in the list? Let us know in the comments and we'll definitely give it a look!

  1. OpenDesktop – About[]


    1. We didn't know her, thanks! We'll look at it carefully in the next few days and then possibly add it, any new reality is always welcome! 🙂

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