The US military prohibits soldiers from using TikTok

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Lieutenant Colonel Robin Ochoa, in an interview with, said that TikTok is "considered a cyber threat." For this reason, army soldiers were ordered not to use TikTok and, indeed, to uninstall it immediately. READ THE ARTICLE ON WIRED.IT UPDATE: news also comes out today, you can read it here, about a security flaw... Continue reading L’esercito statunitense proibisce di usare TikTok ai soldati

How China Tracks Anyone [EN]


This interesting video from Vice News analyzes how in China the Government tracks and manages to recognize anyone. Watch the video to realize what levels of facial recognition we have reached. Everyone will then be able to draw their own reflections. Will all this have positive or negative repercussions on everyday life? In a nutshell,… Continue reading Come la Cina riesce a tracciare chiunque [EN]