Hacking a smart home with a laser


In this video we will discover how you can enter a smart home that uses Alexa or Google Home. We are talking above all about those who use these smart systems to open or close gates, garages, armored doors, windows and shutters. One piece of advice we want to give you is obviously not to put microphones in your home like Alexa or Google... Continue reading Hackerare una smart home con un laser

This is why it's not a good idea to keep Alexa in the bedroom


You have to be careful when you bring a device equipped with a microphone into your home, because it doesn't necessarily turn off when we decide. Hannah Fry, a mathematician at London College, used the Royal Institution's major Christmas conference to urge everyone not to keep voice assistants like Alexa in their bedroom... Continue reading Ecco perché non conviene tenere Alexa nella camera da letto