All of us zombies

So zombies and humans, politicians and technologists, university students and freaks, doubters and full of certainties, forensics and swingers will have a perhaps unexpected opportunity to decide with conviction to change.

Hacking a smart home with a laser


In this video we will discover how you can enter a smart home that uses Alexa or Google Home. We are talking above all about those who use these smart systems to open or close gates, garages, armored doors, windows and shutters. One piece of advice we want to give you is obviously not to put microphones in your home like Alexa or Google... Continue reading Hackerare una smart home con un laser

Some Chinese hackers have managed to bypass two-factor authentication


Fox-It security researchers have discovered that a hacking group linked to the Chinese government managed to bypass the two-factor authentication (2Fa) security mechanism. 2Fa is a security feature designed to ensure that only one user can access their account even if the password is discovered... Continue reading Alcuni hacker cinesi sono riusciti a superare l’autenticazione a due fattori

Christmas scam: hackers against NoiPA, salaries and wages stolen from public employees

Alternatives to Google Password

There are no official numbers, but there is confirmation. And that's enough to raise a very serious alarm. According to sources close to the Postal Police, in fact, the NoiPA portal was hit by a cyber attack which allowed hackers to steal the salaries and wages of some users.

Cyberterrorism, the risk of attacks shifts to trains

Radical servers

With air traffic made relatively safe thanks to innovative technologies and new control procedures, the danger of large-scale terrorist attacks risks transferring to trains. And it is still a burning risk, more than fifteen years after the Madrid massacre of 11 March 2004 when ten bombs exploded in four... Continue reading Cyberterrorismo, il rischio attentati si sposta sui treni

7 million Adobe Creative Cloud accounts hacked [EN]

Alternatives to Google Password

An open cloud database sets the stage for phishing attacks for users of the subscription service. Nearly 7.5 million Adobe Creative Cloud users are left open to phishing campaigns after their records were left exposed to the internet. Adobe Creative Cloud, which has an estimated 15 million subscribers, is a monthly service that gives users… Continue reading 7 milioni di account Adobe Creative Cloud violati [EN]

IOT, Whirpool user data exposed in clear text [EN]


Another day, another shining example of why connecting everything from your Barbie dolls to tea kettles to the internet was a bad idea. This week it's Whirlpool that's under fire after a researcher discovered that the company had failed to secure a database containing 28 million records collected from the company's “smart” appliances. The database… Continue reading IOT, i dati degli utenti di Whirpool esposti in chiaro [EN]

Do Google searches like a hacker would

Do Google searches like a hacker would

The search engine that we use every day to carry out any type of search also hides a dark side. If interrogated properly, Google can become an extremely effective weapon. Querying a search engine means entering the search terms into the Google bar and pressing the "Enter" key. And by knowing what to ask for, you can get it from… Continue reading Fare ricerche su Google come farebbe un hacker

Unicredit, the data of 3 million customers compromised

Alternatives to Google Password

The UniCredit IT security team identified a case of unauthorized access to data relating to a file generated in 2015. This file contained approximately 3 million records, referring to the Italian perimeter, and was composed only of names, cities, telephone and email. We read it in a note from… Continue reading Unicredit, compromessi i dati di 3 milioni di clienti