7 million Adobe Creative Cloud accounts hacked [EN]

Alternatives to Google Password

An open cloud database sets the stage for phishing attacks for users of the subscription service. Nearly 7.5 million Adobe Creative Cloud users are left open to phishing campaigns after their records were left exposed to the internet. Adobe Creative Cloud, which has an estimated 15 million subscribers, is a monthly service that gives users… Continue reading 7 milioni di account Adobe Creative Cloud violati [EN]

IOT, Whirpool user data exposed in clear text [EN]


Another day, another shining example of why connecting everything from your Barbie dolls to tea kettles to the internet was a bad idea. This week it's Whirlpool that's under fire after a researcher discovered that the company had failed to secure a database containing 28 million records collected from the company's “smart” appliances. The database… Continue reading IOT, i dati degli utenti di Whirpool esposti in chiaro [EN]

Do Google searches like a hacker would

Do Google searches like a hacker would

The search engine that we use every day to carry out any type of search also hides a dark side. If interrogated properly, Google can become an extremely effective weapon. Querying a search engine means entering the search terms into the Google bar and pressing the "Enter" key. And by knowing what to ask for, you can get it from… Continue reading Fare ricerche su Google come farebbe un hacker

Because the man who “turned on” the internet 50 years ago doesn't like how it turned out


The Internet has changed the world. It's banal to say it now, but it's a revolution that began fifty years ago, exactly. Among the many epochal phenomena in human history, we even know the precise minute in which it began: at 10.30 pm on October 29, 1969. At that moment the first message was sent between a computer and a… Continue reading Perché all’uomo che ha “acceso” internet 50 anni fa non piace com’è andata a finire

What is a web tracker? [EN]

Alternatives to Google Docs

Let's say you're on an outdoor pizza oven website dreaming about someday owning one. Mmm pizza. Next you switch gears and visit a fitness site; low and behold an ad for the pizza oven you were just looking at is there, too. Then you go to YouTube to see how easy it would be to… Continue reading Cosa è un web tracker? [EN]

Google and Facebook read your license plates [EN]

Alternatives to Google

For years I've gone back and forth over the practice of obscuring license plates on photos on the internet. License plates are already publicly-viewable things, so what's the point in obscuring them, right? Well, now I think there actually is a good reason to obscure your license plates in photos because it appears that Google… Continue reading Google e Facebook leggono le vostre targhe [EN]