Gambling, thousands of profiles hacked. The rules for defending yourself

Radical servers

They allegedly hacked the profiles of thousands of online gambling players. Two online gaming dealers, writes Ansa, have ended up at the center of an investigation by the Turin financial police, which is carrying out searches throughout Italy. Dozens of betting shops are involved in the operation; three people reported for unauthorized access... Continue reading Gioco d’azzardo, violati migliaia di profili. Le regole per difendersi

7 million Adobe Creative Cloud accounts hacked [EN]

Alternatives to Google Password

An open cloud database sets the stage for phishing attacks for users of the subscription service. Nearly 7.5 million Adobe Creative Cloud users are left open to phishing campaigns after their records were left exposed to the internet. Adobe Creative Cloud, which has an estimated 15 million subscribers, is a monthly service that gives users… Continue reading 7 milioni di account Adobe Creative Cloud violati [EN]